Remember how your mom always told you not to play with your food? Well, I’m here to tell you otherwise. Or… at least to tell you that sometimes it has something worth saying. Err… too much of a stretch? Probably, but stick with me!
One of my favorite parts of eating Chinese food (other than the many delicious vegan options on the menu) is the fortune cookie at the end. Not so much the cookie itself (because, eew) but for that tiny strip of paper inside.
There is also a series of inspirational quotes hidden inside each individual wrapper of a certain brand of dark chocolate. The quotes give you something to ponder as you indulge in that little piece of chocolaty heaven.
People find inspiration in many places, in all different shapes and sizes, colors and words and the like. As someone who loves food, I also love that I can find inspiration at the end of a meal.
So tonight, on this cold, grey, rainy autumn night (at least on the east coast), I want to share with you a few bits of inspiration that I have gleaned from my desert:
“Don’t settle for a spark… light a fire instead.”
“Live your dreams.”
“You don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are.”
“A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can’t.”
I have each of these tiny bits of wisdom taped to my monitor, as a reminder of who I am and the choices I have made along the way.
How about you? How and where do you find inspiration?
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